Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Divorce And Defamation Of Character

Slowly, very slowly in updating our blog .. and do it well out of order, inserting post chronologically earlier than those already published but what can you do?
On 12-02-11 we took a walk on our hill training at home by following the easy path COSTALUNGA-DAISY-Gotthard and ritorno.Giornata good sunshine with pleasant temperatures and the first blooms from osservare.Percorso undemanding which quickly leads within the deciduous forests where we could see nice examples of wren and Blackberry (not photographed unfortunately). In Margaret resort we noticed the beginning of the work of reforestation of native species substituents weeds locust sambuco.Ogni sometimes a timid lizard heated by the sun appeared in the Spring sottobosco.Sentori bare.
Overall a short path, surrounded by a simple nature which is not bad mai.A a stone's throw from home (because of bird snares and hunting lodge on the course if they are few)
Here are a few white photograph representing the "dog's tooth" and Purple "we do not know." If anyone can help us to recognize it as the consultation with our botanical books did not match any results.
the next
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Re Routing The Water From You Washing Machine
thought to distract the frenzy of machismo and feminism court would be enough to focus on new forms. all this up to list a series of gestures in which the minimum is if you can eliminate the specter of themselves which is twice that looks at us as we watch, because it seems clear that each of us is born in the second half of the camera. Now that this is a circus of vanity reduced to refrain or spiral thinning, like the eye of the peacock, and note what seems to me that everyone gasping for air to seek the way out of the kitsch representations of the human sphere is Even more note. and then. seems a tad hypocritical that there are beggars right or left to want to pull for the mouth is our last resort. that country of goats and goats! Enough of our double, the idea that clings to the flesh, to give us sufficient control. And 'she wants to be eternal, not the meat imputrindisce. she wants me to stay, as well as the exhaustion of my function: pee, eat, make love to you ... that allows control of the intimacy that you show diva's diva and modern. bah ... just change that to die and nobody cares, and has dominated the aion that our wretched prison. for me if I had enough time to do things just: that I inject a syringe of insulin, I have always seen as being back to life. and you? or, my dove, mirrors that make you the words that I leave here in the dashboard?
White Ewcm Before Period

Sunday 13 -02-11
Not content with what we saw last week (see previous post) I decided to go for this Sunday on the banks of the river Mella (in another area of \u200b\u200bcourse), this time in the company of a special guest. My Father . Paola for study was unable to attend the "walk" of 13 km there led from our house to Corticelle Pieve, passing through the lakes of Torrazza, falling to Capriano country, then follow the towpath of the Mella River just to the destination over segnata.E failing teleport right then we had to retrace our steps "crossing" Montenetto again.
Unfortunately the feeling of desolation and dirt having a week ago has been present for almost the entire route along the fiume.Le floods of 2010 have left traces blatant garbage transported, trees and plants "clothes" such as plastic in a sad carnival.
Compared to last week we saw some more animals in the Germans managed to documentare.Certo are a good sign, some gulls' less (since they live happily in landfills). Another positive note is the recent start of work for the revival of "Natural area launch of the fourth."
But the most interesting and significant was undoubtedly the presence of a small man of 80 years less than 1.65 meters tall, who walked at a brisk pace throughout the walk and never mention fatica.Eccezionale especially considering how tired or has precedenza.Una in the past by hardening extraordinary person even before I spotted the little family of ducks .. an old child who was able to marvel at the seagulls and was saddened by seeing tons of dirt clinging to vegetazione.Un extraordinary man, soon to also involve in other activities.
Thanks Dad, you're great because you are simple.
How Much Watts Sound Card Use

Sunday, 2/11/2006 As the sun peeps want to walk grows grows .. so we took the opportunity to make two steps along the towpath Mella river starting from the Main St. Giorgio di Capri all the way to the lake Islet of Azzano mella return.
Sure, it was not a big deal .. than a year ago there was a massacre paessagistico of considerable importance due to an apparently indiscriminate cutting of all trees present waterfront (old and young). We do not know the actual cause of this, but we connect everything to the building of the slack rope. "We hope to be wrong, of course, we believe, rather to an act done for the cleaning of the banks in the future ... we'll know something.
few shots today just to avoid trovata.Solo few pictures to document the devastation of natural mold of course. However
see a heron soaring in the sky always gives a feeling of total freedom.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Street Value For 5mg Valium
Started in 2006
Presentation of the blog-journal
January 25, 2008
The Uncanny mind ideological
Conflict and joint involvement in the modern narcissist
Censorship and bullying
liquid modernity, young and psychotherapy
power and recognition
A reflection on the writer Charles Bukowsky
Imagination: The creative action between resilience and change
masks of envy, the envious destructiveness
Bullying adolescent glocal
Melanie Klein: the instinct epistemophilic, the psychology of repair and the environment
Arts, Writing and pain
On the psychology of being in one and two
Anthology of April 4, 2008 forty portraits of women, to look at relative to the test on female March 31, 2008
libertarian Anarchy, the male achievement, the fate of traditional creativity: 4 ways to experience the women in the global society
social conformity is not a phenomenon of psychological health
prevention mental and moral problem
The expropriation of the poetic side of life. On the poetry of living or impoeticità themselves and the world
The sense of perfection and imperfection in art and psychology
psychology of religion, psychotherapy, preventive mental
Psychology of chronic
circles of Sisyphus
Clinical psychology in the era of emergency ecological
art making as a preventive
The threat
On the way unusual
Psychology momentous growth and the need for humanistic
Sunday, February 6, 2011
I Have A Rash On My Outer Thigh
1. The deniers of the Holocaust and the ideological fanaticism
2. Mind and ideological perversion
3. Thought only authoritarian and ideological thinking against democratic pluralism of ideas
4. The anti-democratic perversions in the workplace of democratic civil society
5. From the "grand narratives" to the "small stories" to the paranoid-schizoid narratives
1. The deniers of the Holocaust and the ideological fanaticism
How is it that there are people, also captured, such as 'academics', even among historians, who should know well the "facts" of history, which can deny that there was the Holocaust? To deny a truth already established and become a 'collective truth' and 'objective', the proponents of this denial , against the current and unprecedented, must have, probably, some 'interest' personal or ideological to support the denial of truth .
The "denial" is, as we know, a defense mechanism. The denial is an unconscious defense which arises in an 'automatic' when you feel threatened in front of a truth that you do not want to admit, because it goes against their survival, their interests, their religious beliefs. Yes denies, in other words, to 'get away', not to pay the price of its responsibility with respect to a phenomenon regarded with disapproval by the sociocultura to which one belongs. From the standpoint of consciousness, the 'denial' but is equivalent to intentional lie, supported by bad faith .
There are also 'phenomena' that are not limited to a particular sociocultura, which are universal in scope as in the case concerning the perversion of the enormity necrophiliac evil and inhuman about the death of six million human beings in concentration camps Nazis, and that no denial the world can claim otherwise. Yet, professors more or less prominent, and even individuals are not particularly educated, foolish and easily plagiabili by an ideology that encourages the awakening of the perverse and criminal impulses, not only denied the Holocaust, but also the existence of the crematoria and the Nazi death camps.
addition, another 'phenomenon' inconceivable to the mind 'normal', or basically 'sound', is the seven-Nazi revival in our time. There is something unthinkable, something that can not be comprehended by reason alone compared to individuals who takes the side of evil and evil, intentionally committed against our neighbor.
In the political field, the ' ideology is a set of waste by-product of real ideas, so ideas that have an epistemological status of 'second hand', since the contradictory statements irrational and unsustainable from the point of view of reason, but having an evocative potential to drive high impact at group level or mass. Ideology may also have an end, usually irrational and destructive.
ideology we find the element of bad faith an instrumental use of false and irrational ideas, drive justification of action, both individually and collectively. Bad faith, in other words, which was already occupied by Jean-Paul Sartre (Sartre, 1946, tr. Com. Printed in 1978, p. 77), may justify, in group mentality irrational ideology, actions and deeds that are aimed at the end, according to the perverse coincidence that Hegel panlogism , where the ideal and the real should be the same, with devastating consequences on human lives. In fact, the literal reading a monstrous ideology makes , because the 'ideal', as someone said, are not meant to be translated verbatim in fact individually or collectively, in the outside world, but they represent only the mental guides for our actions, as the map is not territory, but only a 'guide' for 'east' in a physical space or urban geography do not know, in the knowledge that will always be a gap between the ideal and the real.
In the case of the follower of an ideology, even more if it is a fanatic, and even more if we are faced with a strict interpretation of dogmatic ideology that, at the same time, political and religious- Basically, there are faced with a sort of 'blurring' the ability to think, reason, imagine it without prejudice. Indeed, we can say, quite rightly, that the injury is an 'ingredient' pillars of a fanatical ideology, as when one says the racism against ethnic children.
2. Mind and ideological perversion
From the perspective of psychoanalytic-Klein, the ideology of absolute, so psychotic, the "paranoid-schizoid position" to which the ideological mind works on primitive defense mechanisms, which often are present in the political more perverse and narcissistic, as splitting and projective identification . When ideology of the opposition accused his misdeeds, he can also defend themselves with a more neurotic defense mechanism, reversing the 'truth' into its opposite ( reaction formation). In division, the whole object interior is divided into two part-objects, a 'good', with which the subject identifies himself with his fanatical beliefs, and the other 'bad', or others who do not belong to 'we' identity of the fanatic, and are devalued, trivialized, dehumanized.
The 'bad' is then projected outside one's self to keep 'good' to do 'identify' with only quality 'good', while 'bad' expelled and 'identified' with people in the outside world as pure 'evil', so those who do not belong to 'we' identity may be colored negative qualities in a radical way.
In the case of Nazi ideology, the 'totally bad' were the Jews and all minority ethnic they were 'other', 'lower' than Aryan race ideology .
The "ideological mind", the "fanatical mind" is evident in the case of the "Nazis", the "Soviet communists" in the "ultras" of football, but also in cultural associations that aim to prevail when do with power, economic interests, and personal motivations to be met, thereby activating the bad faith and the "dark side" that is present in every human being. Carl Gustav Jung (Jung, 1957, 1999, tr. Com. 2001, pp. 45-59) showed the "dark side" of the psyche as the "shadow". The 'shadow' consists of those aspects of the psyche that are considered least developed, that are "less" perfect, but potentially of resources or the inclination to evil that can remain 'silent', if not awakened. According to John Steiner, said Zygmunt Bauman (Bauman, 1989, tr. Com. 1992, pp. 230-231), in each of us is a "latent characteristic of personality," says Steiner, who is responsible for the violence and cruelty normally found in a state of "sleeping". Special circumstances may awaken the "sleeping" the wickedness of its lethargy, which normally rests in most people, and then unleashed in all its destructiveness.
Under special conditions of the psyche, the "dark side", which may coincide with the human perversions, instead of being recognized, contained and managed constructively, can be denied in one's self as 'inconvenient location', distressing, but even if part of themselves, and projected into an external object identified as 'bad'. This can happen in a process unconscious, uncritical, so that part of yourself that you can not accept, because the ego-self did not develop mental states containment and transformation of bad parts, so the subject is unable to manage on their own, they prefer to be devoted to the expulsion projective and 'identify' with an 'external object' elected to "scapegoat", which may be an ethnic minority and / or religious (Jews, gypsies, tramps, and others), as well as individuals who have characteristics personal and distinguished from the bulk of 'normal', the 'conformists', individuals who appear to be 'like everyone'.
The Lacanian psychoanalyst Elisabeth Roudinesco, in his acute essay on the "dark side" (Roudinesco, 2007, tr. Com. 2008), which is present in all humans, points out that it can be expressed through the perversions. The perversion may occur, for example, in the pedophile, the Nazi terror, hysterical woman nineteenth century, also in the conception of capitalism understood only as cynical profit maximization and the search for ever more precise criteria for the evaluation of workers and insuperable, that has nothing to do with the increase in quality of work, on the contrary , as noted by Christophe Dejours (Dejours in Le Monde, 21 July 2007), a specialist in labor issues, cited by Roudinesco ( ibid., p. 157), has to do with a perverse conception of capitalism, insensitive the suffering it causes.
These capitalists, for example, we may consider Sergio Marchionne, CEO (ad) of Fiat, who said once that the only criterion for assessing its peak, with the objective to be attained in the car in Turin, is the creation of more and more profits possible. A Marchionne do not care workers' rights and the achievements obtained by the trade union struggles for the approval of the Statute of Italian Workers, established by Law No 300 of 20 May 1970, imports, on the contrary, just make more money and that's it! This is the evil religion of capitalism, and in the end it always has been from the moment has come to characterize the modern economy. Marchionne Now, seeing that in Italy, in his opinion, it is 'too political' (Sic), Fiat intends to relocate and move to Detroit, where Chrysler is, naturally, but can not yet too unbalanced in its intentions, considering the resistance it encounters in Italy this decision so radical and cynical.
Another aspect of the perversion of capitalism are causing the suicides. He again emphasized Christophe Dejours, arguing that the suicides are due to the change desired by the new management methods, for example, in automobile factories such as Peugeot Citroen and Renault, which aim to destroy all forms of social bonds, the elimination of solidarity between workers in the help of trade (Dejours, in Le Monde , July 21, 2007, cit. by Marzano, 2008, tr. com. 2009, p. 99). The Marzano notes, rightly, that the "coffee break", spontaneous among workers, at some point in the workplace institutions in France is abolished and replaced with "coffee break" controlled from above, the spontaneity of communication between co-workers will be replaced with 'the obligation of dialogue' required! (Marzano, 2008, tr. Com. 2009, p. 100). This cynical and manipulative management method to control the employees from the top, and as noted the Marzano, a "cure" worse than the disease you want to delete.
In essence, the perversion of the current capitalist system is cynical contribution the destruction of social ties and lead many people to despair, to the point of achieving groped or suicide. Moreover, rather than increase the success in the field of economic enterprises, the current capitalism multiplies its failures, because it is based on bad faith, as equipment using lies and fraud.
That is, after all, Nazi ideology, ideology codified in his book Mein Kampf of Adolf Hitler (Hitler, 1925, tr. Com. Sixth ed., 1938), who turns out to be delusional and perverted. The book is full of nonsense fanatical, racist and necrophilia. In another form, the mind may also be the ideology of the capitalist ideology that distorts reality and reduces it to the 'religion of money', the greed of profit. This absolutization of a rigid and fanatical faith in pursuing a specific purpose may take the form of error 'part for the whole' (pars pro toto ), a kind of ideological in its violent shake does not take into account the lives that will be sacrificed, as indeed we have seen in the events of history, as in revolutions and wars of all time.
3. Thought only authoritarian and ideological thinking against democratic pluralism of ideas
The so-called "unique thought" is characteristic of monotheism, monarchy, authoritarianism, despotism, where the powers that be, political power, through the persuasion of the collective I think one of the diffusion by the media and, alternatively or together, the use of the monopoly of legitimate violence of the state, through military and police, used in a proper or improper, requires a single point of view than top-down view of the world where adopt, therefore, is imposed a rigid mass conformism. The rebels threatened with prosecution by the police, even if the imposition of a single thought is undemocratic and despotic.
In political systems where there is a formal democracy, while the substantial power can be managed by the head of a despotic government, it is possible that there is a latent pattern of subversion of the political institutions, in which the parliamentary majority leader seeks the establishment of a despotic regime, reducing the political, economic, social and cultural rights of citizens, to their transformation into 'subjects'. A political plan like that would be a catastrophe for democracy, and the State would become a 'toy' in the hands of one man, and to 'play' him only, excluding all other politicians from the game in any case would have a role Assistant, available at the corruption and economic benefits for non-economic, taking the example of the conduct of the despot in charge. Among other things, the philosopher Michael Ciliberto, in his fine essay Democracy despotic (Ciliberto, 2011), makes an interesting analysis of despotism even in a 'democratic' very modern.
To avoid such a disastrous situation, namely that of a single thought in political regime despotic, tyrannical, monotheistic, the remedy is the preventive democratic pluralism. Zygmunt Bauman, in fact, considering the experiments in social psychology from the Milgram obedience to authority, has good reasons to argue that pluralism would allow those regarded as "morally normal" behavior to avoid acting "morally abnormal." (Bauman, 1989, tr. Com. 1992, p. 228).
Isaiah Berlin, philosopher and historian of ideas, says that if a person takes pleasure in causing pain to another person and if he is aware of this without the slightest dent in his tendency to do evil, then it is an individual from "mental" rather than "prison," a real "crazy" ! (Berlin, 1992, tr. Com. In 1994, pp. 72-73). Even
Berlin supports the importance of pluralism as "pluralism of values." Nietzsche had already argued pluralism, and later Max Weber speaks of "polytheism of values". David L. Miller and James Hillman, in 1981, publish a book that stands out against the unilateral way of thinking, so say what they call the "new policy" against the thesis of the unity of monotheism, as you can see in this their essay on religion (Miller, Hillman, 1981, tr. com. 1983). Even Karl R. Popper, of course, supporting their particular point of view, like all genuine intellectuals, strongly supports the "intellectual freedom", the most important freedoms, and that the state protects the right of everyone to freedom when it does not harm others, in what should be an "open society" (Popper, 1966, fifth ed., tr. com. 1973).
Unfortunately, in the first decade of the twenty-first century, we witnessed a resurgence of fundamentalist religious-political ideology, a revival of Holocaust deniers and Nazi fanatics (the skinheads ), pedophilia in the Catholic Church, the ideology of 'naked power of evil' as the case of a political elite incapable of or ashamed to show the guilt healthy before the misdeeds of its head of government. Do not try sense of shame and a healthy sense of guilt for themselves in the face of human actions reprehensible, is a sign of a sick, sociopathic narcissism, by individuals who hold positions of political importance, which they consider 'subject of desire' just as objects instrumental to achieve the satisfaction of his libido, in a vicious circle of lies and corruption, money and sale of woman's body haunted by the powerful myth of the harem.
The most surprising and tragic manifestation of the "dark side" of the human personality and that is justified by ideologies that deny and removed, is the populist argument that all are made in the same way, they are denied also the 'differences' between the personalities of people coming in to be mass-populist sense even by the great manipulators of the national collective reality, through the media.
democratic pluralism, the opposite of the one despotic thought, avoid fanatical ideologies, are supportive of the ideas, not the ideologies, ideas that have a thickness symbolic, reflecting a work of the mind, a thought, a reflection, which well as an imaginative playfulness, clever humor, unlike insignificance of dogmatic ideologies are created with the sole purpose of manipulating the minds, indoctrinate, as a kind of 'opium of the people' that replaces the dynamic of the mind active and creative individual, the person who, in the sense of Emerson, has confidence in herself ( Self Reliance), and from this position arises in connection with other people, for a symbolic and mutual cultural enrichment. The very wise Self Reliance (Emerson, 1841, tr. Com. 2003) is the beautiful and incisive manifesto of the 'democratic individualism "American in the nineteenth century, that has nothing to do with the derogatory version of egoistic and negatively narcissistic. Sociologists
Anthony Elliot, who teaches in England, and Charles Lemert, who teaches United States, wrote a fine essay by joining together their minds about the "new individualism" in the era of globalization, which includes up to half of the first decade of the twenty-first century (Elliott, Lemert, 2006, tr. com. 2007). Consider different forms of individualism in relation to the times of globalization, with the help of contributions from other authors. So there's the 'individualism manipulated and manufactured, "according to" critical theorists ", or" the torment of privatism isolated, "they are talking about sociologists as Bellah and Putnam, respectively, or there is" institutionalized individualization "of has mentioned, among others, Ulrich Beck. Beyond these changes, support Elliott and Lemert, individualism is the cause of many problems. On the other hand, individualism is also problematic in the era of globalization, individualism in the era of neoliberalism, with all the demagoguery and manipulations in understanding that it means 'equal for all' (sic), as the possibility of achievement in abstract reality, that does not take into account the concrete individual realities, socio-economic context of their coordinates, the disadvantages of starting that not everyone is able to fill through his own personal resources, without help from the company. If
arises when the ideal of individualism shows itself an important value, as in the U.S. in the form already mentioned of the 'democratic individualism, "which devotes a great analysis Nadia Urbinati (Urbina, 1997, new ed. enriched in 2009), it is also true that over time it was found that" the ideals of the free " Elliott and Lemert second, did not lead to a reduction of suffering, if anything, have accentuated (Elliott, Lemert, 2006, tr. com. 2007, p. 162).
democratic pluralism, however, presupposes a form of healthy narcissism, Kohut, which basically reflects what is given as "democratic individualism" in the U.S., at least one type of Emerson, the nineteenth century, it is quite another thing than the narcissism of contemporary mass egotistical, omnipotent empty where the 'others', considered only as 'things', play a role as 'Appendix' in relation to its existence and the ability to satisfy, as equipment, some motivation. This second form of pathological narcissism is itself, and reflects the deteriorated forms of individualism.
The 'healthy narcissism' is present in the person whose driving existential ideals, such as, for example, the architect Daniel Libeskind, born in 1946 in Lodz, and Polish-born son of a working class family, which is able to obtain a scholarship to a deserving American university that welcomes students with limited economic resources, however worthy. In the university Daniel Libeskind had the opportunity to meet talented artists and fame. On the basis of their intellectual resources and its 'cultural capital', Libeskind, once chosen to live in New York, aspires to achieve the ambitious scope of universal symbols, such as Jewish Cemetery of Berlin, delivered in 1999, and the Memory Foundations of Ground Zero in New York, in the place where the Twin Towers were destroyed September 11, 2001, World Trade Center in air following the terrorist Islamic fundamentalists, who will be ready in September 2011. Libeskind, moreover, shows that you have a spiritual depth when talks about his work as an architect, when he observes that great responsibility of urban development is to preserve the memory (Small, 2011, in the Republic , February 7, p. 42).
Of course, not everyone can be realized in life as Libeskind, but in their own 'backyard' also has the healthy ideals and projects it intends to accomplish in your life. What is important for all of us, is realized as a person at every level of expressive possibility, to have self-confidence, love and be worthy of love, to aspire to a creative life, aware of the existence of a favorable and that the Negative negative part of life, such as sickness, suffering, death. This awareness does not undermine the 'personal wellness', if anything, makes the human personality, encourages the integration of the fragility of which everyone is a carrier, and makes us realize our limitations and the importance of the ties of interdependence and exchange with other human beings.
4. The anti-democratic perversions in the workplace of democratic civil society
Nadia Urbinati in free and equal. Against the ideology of individualism (Urbina, 2011) makes a good essay stands where on the one hand the importance of the 'democratic individualism, "characterized by a sense of personal independence, among other things, as we mentioned in the preceding paragraph of derivation Emerson, selfishness and other degenerative phenomena dell'indiferenza against the social. La Urbina is keen to differentiate from each other, saying that they are not the same thing.
free and equal, the Urbina writes, at the beginning of the "Prologue":
"The identification of individualism with a vision of life as reflected in the maxim 'I do not care' is almost a commonplace in our country. But it is extraordinarily popular though incorrect identification. Individualism is the foundation and political ideal of democracy and is not identical nor antisocial selfishness nor indifference to others, and politics. This makes the distinction between forms of individualism anything but an exercise in academic and useless. "
(Urbina, 2011, p. IX).
So Urbina can see that individualism democracy is characterized by two key factors: 1) "the culture of civil rights" 2) "the moral culture of the equal dignity of persons." (Ibid. , p. 3).
Neoliberalism, as an ideology of the rich, the managers who chose to do a lot of money for their work and aspire to a position of power in the institutions, whatever they are, they also make use of psychological nastiness in dealing with their roles, rather sadistic . The rich, the managers, are individuals who are unrelated to the value of democratic pluralism, the realization of workers, even in their individuality in the workplace. They prefer the "pensée unique", the "unilateral thinking" on terrorism persons, authoritarianism. Michela Marzano's essay explores this degeneration in companies with stressful consequences for workers to bring them to the point of suicidal despair (Marzano, 2008, tr. Com. 2009). Moreover, even Lyotard spoke of "terror" in his essay of 1979, as part of the university, researchers, professors, use of the weapon of 'blackmail' than, say, what kind of research efforts, so as not to be punished (Lyotard, 1979, tr. com. fourth ed. 1982).
There are senior executives, for example in Italy, in institutions that use of 'psychological tricks' to detract from an operator person, maybe that has qualities and merits, and this 'trick' is to look at the subject with a blocking look forward to, however wrongly, the low opinion that the chief executive may have against him, so for abuse of power, to show that you have power over the employee. What the chief executive acts is a form of maltreatment moral leadership to the subject, a immoral harassment, behind which there may be a perversion of nature . We formulate the hypothesis that the unconscious arrogance of the neo-liberal ideology mobber is plagiarized . In this case, the senior breaks "the culture of civil rights" and "the moral culture of the equal dignity of persons" mentioned by the Urbinati, because it causes harm to the dignity of the individual operator basis, forced to endure the harassment because of an institutional balance of power in favor of the senior management . Unfortunately, until In Italy there will be a law against bullying and harassment related phenomena, as well as other abuses of power that demotion is an employee, we will find ourselves in a situation that is thought, including that for the workplace who is more hierarchical power feels entitled to harass the subject perversely, Getting away from the institutional and legal point of view, being the senior management institution in any case, 'closed eyes', from the mobber which is the chief executive 'with party card' or not.
course, the subject could also then take a personal initiative to revenge, and here the consequences could be tragic for those acts of revenge action, ie the mobbed person, who, reversing the balance of power, would, at the mercy of what I like to call complex of the Count of Monte Cristo , make up for the harassment suffered by engaging in violent action against the harassment, that is, the mobber , so if this happens, it could also lose the skin. However, if the person harassed is an intelligent person will not work in such a vengeance, but will seek constructive ways for lawyers to refer to her attacker to justice.
Sure, there are other types of defense by the harassed worker, like to publicly denounce the harassment, for example, addressing the press, releasing an interview. The unions are unfortunately not so great when it comes to defending a worker from psychological harassment in his workplace, when it comes to resolving a situation of 'demotion' or open bullying, showing that they are also complicit in the employer's . Unfortunately, this is a the contradiction of labor unions, despite their trumpeting on the Web have opened the doors anti-bullying . Another way would be to the legal defense, so the harassed employee can drag the institution that agrees to the phenomena of bullying to take her to court to answer to these cynical wrongdoing.
The reality is, unfortunately, hard work, especially in the era of neoliberal ideology regrettable that this is actually working in any business of the West, and has been spreading since the seventies of the twentieth century, such as' logic contract market, 'privatization and deregulation, lack of interest State with respect to fields of social intervention in which first showed great interest, with negative relative to what can be called "creative destruction" in relation to existing institutions, the welfare state , the practice of social ties and affection, ways of thinking and living (Harvey, 2005, tr. com. 2007, p. 11).
There are senior executives of the institutions that are members of the party politician who keeps in shape and the majority consists of real power, his 'government latent' in the institution, so that senior managers take the tool of bullying, so systematic policy, when they want to be right out of a targeted subject. These high managers are sure to get away from the harassment that gave them a subject, which also have the 'cynical sensibility' (sic) to isolate the working relationship to needle with false gratifying to use indirect devices, including visual For example the presentation of a document which lists the directors of which the subject is a part, but appear to list his last name (sic), and that groped for damaging his self-esteem, to inform him that in 'workplace' is not nobody ', so to steal power and influence over other operators.
Every 'victim' of bullying of company areas and innocent as were deported to Nazi concentration camps, while they are mobber who have personality problems of , disease related to their greed and abuse of power , besides being the group situations and their handling 'relational' , as Zygmunt Bauman would say, immoral . The individual can not be moral, as is often the society, social groups, as noted by Bauman (Bauman, 1989, tr. Com. 1992), to impose conditions profoundly immoral. The mobber , however, are similar to Holocaust deniers, 'Who me?, never done harassment, for heaven's sake '.
5. From the "grand narratives" to the "small stories" to the paranoid-schizoid narratives
In 1960 the American sociologist Daniel Bell (1919-2011) announced the end of ideologies, in his important essay The End of Ideology: On the Exaustion of the Political Ideal in the Fifties (Bell, 1960, tr. com. 1991). Jean-Francois Lyotard, in 1979, noted that the "grand narratives" of the nineteenth century, both "speculative" and "empowering", have been awarded with the onset of post-industrial society and the postmodern culture. The "grand narratives" in the new type company and the new way of 'do-culture,' are no longer credible. Lyotard, in this sense, then argues that the change has occurred with the Second World War, with the emergence of technology and new technologies, with the devaluation of the purpose and focus of attention on the means. Another possible interpretation, even Lyotard argues, could be given off by the new liberal capitalism after the exhaustion setting Keynesian economics, in the period between 1930 and 1960. This renewal of liberal capitalism has taken away the credibility of the communist project, and has fostered a society where individuals have benefited from goods and services (Lyotard, 1979, tr. com. fourth ed., 1982, p. 69). The discussion of Lyotard, in his small but important essay The Postmodern Condition, Report on know, where it supports these claims, studies the de-legitimization of a certain kind of narrative, as, indeed, the story of speculative metaphysics and that of the story of 'liberation hero Kantian ethics, or if we are even the failure of the ideological project of Marxian philosophy of history, that in the post-industrial society and no place in postmodernism, is tolerated and "little narrative" which is what affects the' "imaginative invention" and that fits in science (ibid., p. 110). However, the narration, the telling stories, it remains important for science, even for legitimacy in the face to the community, to justify their theories. Lyotard is not naive, and highlights how the research projects that are undertaken are those that are funded by private capital, especially in certain strategic areas of research, such as those concerning the possibility to achieve new discoveries or inventions which then can yield big economic gains.
political scenario of the dawn of the twenty-first century, instead we see, from a psychological point of view, to those that I can be indicated with the expression narratives paranoid-schizoid, or parts of language games that enhance grammars that pervert the rules, not in terms of creative innovations of language, no, if anything, in the sense of linguistic deviance various phenomena that cause disasters in the form of zero-sum game . For example, pedophilia, orgiastic sex, drugs such as cocaine, terrorism, private use of public power and the institutions of the democratic state. In this kind of perverse game, both players are losers, even what you feel 'strong' and apparently 'resistant' to a player more than 'weak' or 'helpless'. Paranoid-schizoid
These narratives take the forms that enhance the rigid fundamentalism, the ideology of death (the regional wars, the threat of nuclear war), the rationalizations that claim to justify violence against the natural environment, pollution in its various forms. We also note that the majority of individuals show a lack of sensitivity, an enormous indifference towards the health of nature .
The term 'paranoid-schizoid narrative' could be considered an oxymoron in the sense that an individual who has psychotic problems, and borderline perverse, finds it difficult to tell, so the 'narrative' and the vehicle dynamics, however, blocked the "paranoid-schizoid position" may be poles apart, that is irreconcilable. So a 'paranoid-schizoid narrative' may seem impossible, but in fact the narrator of a psyche split and oscillating between hostility and idealization can be recounted, in his experiences, another person familiar with the paranoid-schizoid person, how could he be a psychotherapist. Moreover, sometimes journalists are very good in their accounts, their insights in diagnosing certain figures from the worlds of politics and show business, so we can see from their articles rather similar portraits of people they are talking about. The paranoid-schizoid
narratives are those, for example, the Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, then narration delirious extremely destructive, as indeed History has shown us over the Nazi horror. Such narratives are those, therefore, of killing spree / suicide . And 'these days, for example, the news of the Swiss Matthias Schepp that before the will of his wife Irina to move from separation to divorce, decided to kill the girls, blondes, twins of six years Alessia and Livia, and then killed himself (Pisa, in the Republic of February 11, 2011, pp. 20-21). The 'paranoid-schizoid narratives', with the necessary distinctions, therefore, can unleash end solutions that range from catastrophic-epochal, like the Nazi Holocaust, final solutions to family, group, individual , with all possible variations in between. The narrative
schizoparanoid, if not 'cured', degenerates, then, in 'radical and destructive act . Thus, changing scenario, ask yourself where you can take to live in mud pseudo , the instrumental use of public power for private purposes and a corrupt despot, the return of the archaic primary drives and an ideology of power that tends to normalize ' incompetence, ignorance, barbarism and parliamentary corruption, its bad faith in the power to take root in the form of delinquency and anti-democratic, let us ask ourselves if this is the best in these times of crisis you can get, because if this is so then we can see that the involution of the states mental ruling political class, even a barbaric regression nell'elettorato that supports such a power elite unworthy as 'the worst' is enhanced as if it were 'best', with, moreover, 'the worst' as an ideology that guides the anti-political power of a despotic government, concerned above all the privileges of his status, callously disregarding the 'common good' of the nation.
In this sense, we face a world turned upside down that has prevailed through 'ideological arrogance' manipulated by a minority of perverted power in some Western countries. The uprisings of citizens in Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, Algeria, between the end of 2010 and the first two months of 2011, against the power of the despotic tyrants is already a sign of change and hope for those who yearn for democracy.
- 1946, tr. com. "The image of hell," in The image of hell. Writings on totalitarianism, Editori Riuniti, 2001.
- 1963, 1964, tr. it The banality of evil. Eichmann in Jerusalem , Feltrinelli, Milano, 2001.
- 1989, tr. com. Modernity and the Holocaust, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1992.
- 1960, tr. com. The end of ideology. The decline of political ideas Fifty years from now , Sugarco, Milan, 1991.
- 1992, tr. com. "The pluralistic society and its enemies," in Between philosophy and history of ideas , edited by Steven Lukes, Ponte alle Grazie, Florence, 1994.
- 1951, tr. com. The man in revolt , Bompiani, Milan, ninth ed., 1976. M. Ciliberto
- 2011, despotic democracy, Laterza, Roma-Bari.
- 2006, tr. com. The new individualism. The emotional costs of globalization, Einaudi, Torino, 2007.
- 2005, tr. com. Brief History of Neoliberalism , Basic Books, Milano, 2007.
- 1925, tr. com. My Battle , Bompiani, Milan, sixth ed., 1938.
CG JUNG - 1957, "the shadow", in 1999, tr. com. feelings and the shadow. A question answered , Magi, Roma, 2001, pp. 45-59. Lyotard J.-F.
- 1979 tr. com. The Postmodern Condition. A Report on Knowledge , Feltrinelli, Milan, fourth ed., 1982.
- 2008, tr. com. domain extension handling. From private life , Mondadori, Milano, 2009.
MILLER DL, Hillman J.
- 1981, tr. com. The new policies. The rebirth of the Gods and Goddesses , Community Editions, Milan, 1983.
- 2011, "The meeting surveyors. Daniel Libeskind, in the Republic , 6 February, p. 42.
- 2011, "Letter shock left by the father. 'The twins are resting in peace,'" in the Republic , February 11, p. 20.
- 2011, "The journey of horror Alessia and Livia at the mercy of his father devoured by madness, in the Republic , February 11, p. 21. POPPER KR
- 1966, fifth ed., Tr. com. The Open Society and Its Enemies first vol., Armando, Roma, 1973.
- 1966, fifth ed., Tr. com. The Open Society and Its Enemies second vol., Armando, Roma, 1974.
- 2007, tr. com. The dark side of ourselves. A history of the perverse , Angelo Colla, Costabissara (Vicenza), 2008.
J.-P. SARTRE, 1946, tr. com. Existentialism is a humanism , Murcia, Milan, printed 1978.
- 1997, democratic individualism. Emerson, Dewey and American political culture , second ed. expanded with a new Introduction, Donzelli, Roma, 2009.
- 2011, free and equal. Against the ideology of individualism , Laterza, Rome, Bari
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Lucky Date Refill Free
According to google analytics, critical points in these three weeks has already had over 2000 visits.
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Gian Maria Annovi, Writing Out Size
Frungillo Vincent, The absence of father or tradition. A study of the girl Carla Elio Pagliarani
Giovanna Frene, Contact overall. Notes on the poetry of Elisa Biagini
Index of "The Dragonfly", No.2 (Dec. 2010) Gilda
Policastro, the fray Beginners
Giampiero Marano, Hoda Barakat in the eye of the needle
Rino Genovese, an idea about Pasolini and his critique of culture
Renata Morresi, Writing mobility, intercultural and testing Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's poetic
Gian Maria Annovi, Skinning: Sanguineti, Marsyas (and Marx)
George Mascitelli, Notes for a reading of Beckett coprolalia
Massimiliano Manganelli, Mariano Bain Review, "The man advanced" (Letters, 2008) Marco
Juvenal, four categories plus a "loose writing "
Alessandro De Francesco, Grammaires de la subversion
Alberto Casadei, Berlusconi and literature
Italo Testa," A passing glance. "Mimesis and Desire in" Hora canonicae "by WH Auden
Giuliano Mesa, walking beside him. Fabrica for Small Cepollaro
Biagio Andrea Sirotti, Review Mia Lecomte, Earth is (La Vita Felice, Milano, 2009)
Gianluigi Simonetti, In the Hall of Mirrors. Walter Review Sites, "Autopsy of obsession" (Mondadori, 2010)
Marco Simonelli, say of himself talking about something else
Massimo Gezzi, strategies of 'signed' The points for Ruscio narrator
Federico Federici, Review to Nika Turbina, "these weights are my poems" (Way of the Wind, 2008)
Alessandro De Francesco, and on "Theorie des Prepositions" Claude Royet-Journoud
Antonio Loreto syndrome Rorschach and the grid originality
Zublena Paul, There is (still) a poem in prose? Giulio
Marzaioli, Per ... on Delos
Sossella Luca, Notes for a dialogue
Stelvio Spigno, Review Domenico Cipriano, "November" (Transeuropa, 2010)
Mattazzi Isabella, The compulsion to enjoy a modern practice: Review in Slavoj Žižek, "Reading Lacan" (Basic Books Bollati)
Umberto Fiori, the real motive. Considerations "flashbacks" of Sereni
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Are You Supposed To Be Dry Before Menstruation
And 'one of the deep emotions and you have to maintain it without question. The sadness or melancholy is one of the essential feelings. A sort of presentiment of tranquility. Deeply, and feel that what you try not to be found in objective situations. I feel that whatever I do, the reason why I directed, which is unique and that is to be quiet, he finds his fulfillment.
When a form of maturity, this sadness is always present, because, whatever he does, I know that I can find what they expect to find. The sadness in this sense is a form of maturity ......
When I see clearly that any situation can phenomenal never satisfy me, I live with this finding, this sadness becomes a languor, a premonition. It is no longer the sadness of something that is missing but it is like a perfume to the nose which gradually gets used. At first the scent is in space, you do not hear where it comes from, then gradually discovers his origin.
When you have the maturity to keep the sadness, it produces some lift to the source. But people who constantly deny the sadness, who fall in love, that ecstasy of this or that can never go back to the source. They have this languor at the time, then deny the authenticity of thinking that a new relationship, a situation or something ... There comes a time will satisfy the in which no more denies this sadness.
There is nothing that can keep us going. Any unsolicited happens, it's the same. There is more dynamism intentional.
There is a dynamic organism, because it is the nature of life, is the action, but there is nothing that makes us move on to something. At that moment, the sadness becomes a real sadness. It turns out to be a path, like a smoke that follows, which leads us to what is presented ... Become a nostalgia. The nostalgia comes directly from what was nostalgic. But the slightest betrayal of this nostalgia to think that this or that will satisfy me, brings me to confusion.
According to the Indian approach, sadness is the feeling last ......
The basic emotion is sadness .... This sadness
burn up the objective situations. Expectation is no longer possible ... At that moment, the sadness turns into a premonition in alchemical not objective. There is no direction for this presentation. It 's a feeling that becomes a way of life, which leaves no room for the dynamism of going somewhere to get to explore. this is the real sadness.
But while there is something sad, sad because there is something or because something has happened to us, we deny this true sadness. So we remain glued to sadness, which becomes a poison the body, mind, for the thought.
E 'in the belief that there is nothing for me in the objective situation that turns into foreboding sadness ......
The sadness is that the maturity is coming back to myself. It 's a no-go. As long as I hope, as I await, until I go somewhere, I lose a little more. Understanding the mechanism.
Being open to the sadness is faithfulness to the reality of the moment. Get rid of all the fetters intentional, blends the sadness in our listening. Fidelity without the essential object.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Which Bollywood Actress Has The Biggest Boobs

After days and days of mist-rain-dark here at last the sun! With him and some buds grow back, return of dung and flies is a great desire to walk .. and this time we have not missed the ' opportunity to do two steps on our Montenetto.Nonostante intense cold (we are now equipped and there is a whisker), we also close to the lakes of the farm Torrazza, finding wonderfully icy .. beautiful winter sun is already around 16.00 very low and extends the shadows forever. It 'was a big thrill to see all the natural sunset invernale.Speriamo continues.
Buy A Tv After Superbowol

. For a month this part every day is a nice robin to greet me and nibble something on our balcone.Nonostante the habit of our presence is difficult to approach (and rightly so) .. but this time we caught red-handed and we were able to snap a few photos from behind the vetri.E 'beautiful view frolicking suspicious and alert to everything that is intorno.E then off !!!!! Take on the railing and throws then dive into the bushes too strong .. ! But being
robin ..
not seen in the day that has passed the referendum to FIAT.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
How To Make Brownies Without Vanilla
We are planning our summer holiday .. if 2011 Hopefully we will be hosted for about 10 days in this beautiful nature .. 'ring-of-Mount-Sibillini_1647.html
adventure will begin soon .. tough to train.