- Some problems of liquid modernity
- difficult for young people to individualize and need psychological support
- References
- Reference film
Some problems of liquid modernity
Like the German sociologist Ulrich Beck, also the Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman-English distinguishes two types of modernity ( Bauman, 2000, tr. com. 2002): the "solid modernity" and "liquid modernity". The solid modernity of industrial society is anchored in tradition, the solidity of bodies that do not flow easily, social identity that lasts, while the liquid modernity is light, it is that of flexible bodies, ductile, which are transformed from one state to another and therefore are highly manipulated. In solid modernity was anchored to the space where you are located, while in liquid modernity, the distinction between near and far is not. With the phone you can find anywhere and get in touch with another person from another continent, without having to be connected, as before, with the telephone network into an outlet.
Especially in liquid modernity technology has allowed us a "speed of movement" that was once unthinkable. The power, therefore, no longer rooted in one place, but beyond the borders of their territory. For Bauman the 'individualization coincides with the unstoppable process of modernization, so it becomes their identity no longer seen as something 'already established' as in modern sound, but instead has the requirement of creating a "task" to bring forward. The identity is lived not in the dimension of being, but becoming, and the essence of their self-perception must be equivalent to the substance of the incarnation of as a person actually lives. In liquid modernity we live in the rate of change in the uncertainties of the moment, nell'imprevedibilità movement.
Beck (Beck, 1986, r. it. 2000) observed that the contradictions the social system of the receiving solutions biography by individuals. Bauman says this acute observation of Beck saying that the system continues to perpetuate its social contradictions and social risks, while in reality only individuals have to face is the need for the duties during the course of their individualization. The person who has attained a position of independence and autonomy is what it means, according to Beck, as Bauman notes, the term "individualization", even if others behave as if they had already achieved, despite the fact that this actually has not happened. It is, says Bauman, the dichotomy that has formed between individuals "By right" and individuals "in fact" that there are no easy solutions to the personal contradictions of the social system, and that if solutions can be made to mend this rift between individuals "by right" and individuals "is", they belong the dynamics of high-level policy. The difficulties individuals faced with contradictions and risks caused by the system does not allow you to find, as I said, easy to own solutions, so the deadlock situations that cause living in their fear. (Bauman, 2000, tr. Com. 2002).
Bauman writes in 2000, in his valuable essay liquid modernity, which the politicians of today tend to shedding of responsibility their institutional tasks, they prefer to be canceled and posted away from the halls of Parliament. In this way, you can not no public debate of public issues. After all, you can comment on, is what continues to happen in 2009 in political and legislative government of those countries where neoliberalism is still dominant, despite its obvious failures on all fronts, political, economic, social, cultural. What comes out, returning to Bauman, is the void of public space. In addition, citizens are, thus, deprived of the nationality that is a form of social and political protection, when confronted with requests from individualisation, brand of neo-liberalism, against them. Unfortunately
neoliberalism, in the vacuum of a dynamic cultural and therefore historical and sociological ignorance that is typical of right-wing ideology, inevitably, sooner or later, gave the authoritarianism of the government, which also plans to practice biopolitics of racial discrimination against immigrants, the Prime Minister Cesar, air attacks against the parliamentary institution in order to abolish it to arrive at a sort of right-wing dictatorship. Fortunately, the defense of the parliament came from an authoritative exponent of that right (Gianfranco Fini), containing, paradoxically, the fascist head of government. As we know from history, authoritarianism is a leadership style that is for one who has no real authority authoritative, and to be obeyed at all costs to be imposed by other coercive means of oppression, violence, strength, and not confrontation, dialogue, respect for others and even the ability to meet its demands by putting ourselves in their shoes, as it happens in real democracies tend to be egalitarian.
Zigmunt Bauman (Bauman, in the Republic , January 10, 2009, pp. 1, 40-41) notes that the economic crisis in Britain, is disturbing the sleep of the workers, who often suffer from insomnia for fear of losing their jobs. The casual use of credit cards to settle the debt (a New Credit Card required to pay the debts of the previous) is not a good solution to the brink of accumulated debt. So no more need a new mentality of the consumer type to avoid living 'forever' in debt with the banks.
The 2009 and 2010, say estimates of the field, were years of economic crisis and unemployment especially precarious. In the U.S., dismissing Obama's neo-liberal finance, putting limits on mega salaries of managers, is transforming society for the benefit of all citizens, is rehabilitating the welfare state, is putting out bogus game system discriminatory insurance where health care is if only for those who can afford it, replace it with a health care system for all (Zucconi, "The dogma upside down" in the Republic , February 27, 2009, pp. 1 and 3; Calabresi, "Obama: more taxes for the rich ", in the Republic , February 27, 2009, pp. 1 and 2) that allows anyone, regardless of economic inequalities, it is entitled to the care of their health. Instead we are still in Italy at the time of junior Bush and his neo-liberal policy neocoon for the rich and denies that social, political, economic, already accepted by all citizens, plunging the country nell'inciviltà in barbarism, in racism. Even workers' rights have been dismantled by this authoritarian government of the right (Gallino, "Workers without rights", in the Republic , February 28, 2009, pp. 1, 35).
To cope with the economic crisis, on the contrary, Barack Obama asks the rich to pay more taxes ( the Republic, February 27, 2009, p. 1). Berlusconi, neo-liberal Reagan / Tatcherism / Bush for excellence, do pay taxes to the increasingly impoverished middle class white collar and all that remains of the working class, or is complicit, as some have noted, tax evasion of service sector workers in the private sector (mainly traders, for instance). In exchange for Berlusconi get the electoral support from voters who are tax evaders, according to this view. Apparently, the state privatized Berlusconi is scarce in the thick ethical and cultural respect for democratic institutions. Prevailing discursive practice-demagogic populist who, unfortunately, in an Italy dominated by the "false consciousness" tvcratica clerical-fascist authoritarianism and guarantees the right of the political majority. What about "authoritarian turn," the secretary of the CGIL, Guglielmo Epifani is concerned about the turn of the Berlusconi government is taking "against the freedom of workers" (Mania, in the Republic , February 27, 2009, p. 7).
The Italian Government current neo-liberal does not want to help the unemployed in alleviating their suffering, denying that check the unemployment brought by the new secretary of the PD Dario Franceschini ( the Republic, March 2, 2009, p. 1), for example, by taking money to cover allowance from the income tax evaders. Unfortunately, Franceschini received a volte-face by the premier, who earlier had said that he was open to a proposal and then when I communicated it (the check for the unemployed) has said it was not possible! In front of the employment crisis, Berlusconi denies the crisis, and even says, "The unemployed? Find something to do" (Luzi, in the Republic , March 26, 2009, p. 7). Berlusconi denies that in Italy there will be impoverished because of unemployment, meanwhile, the news gets out that in Europe we have an emergency disoccupazionale six million workers (D'Argenio, in the Republic , March 10, 2009, p. 9).
Under these conditions, leaves the possibility that the individual may be able to have the "necessary resources" to implement its "ability to self-determination", ie to pass from the condition "of law" to "of done. " The expropriation is made that is of interest and capacity to be citizens. The attainment of true independence and a chance to self-determination means that you undertake a struggle to do so, faced with a situation where individuals are deprived of these personal qualities. Thus, according to Bauman, the critical sociology should pledge to move beyond the split between power and politics, on the one hand, and the dynamics of individualization, on the other. According to the Polish-British sociologist, then it is necessary that we return to discuss, debate, negotiate, on issues that concern the good of all, whether it concerns the public and private sphere. This is to raise, in essence, the project of emancipation of human beings, mending the two edges of the individual "law" and that "in fact" to give life to true citizen. (Bauman, 2000, tr. com. 2002).
difficult for young people to individualize and need psychological support
These difficulties of life in liquid modernity given the uncertainty, resulting in the individualization of a fear of not succeeding in the face of social conditions that are less reassuring face and that, in reality, are attributable to the system that has not been studied and solved, for example, in the political, such as impotence who lives opposite the gap that exists between those who are our rights and the ' inability to enforce them, actually make the hard and painful existence.
The glass ceiling that these difficulties are for individuals certainly do not strengthen them and does nothing but weaken them, making them more fragile, leading to even, erroneously, self-blame for their failure to present, as if these impediments to depend only on their willingness or their talent, their ambition self-interpreting, wrongly, as lacking. E 'on the social framework that there is a request for psychotherapy, a need to be supported and understood by a fellow (the therapist) who can listen to these kindly people, especially young people, fresh from graduating with the highest votes. If you do not say the world of work think they are the ones who have something wrong, instead of perceiving their situation with the necessary detachment and reflect with greater 'objectivity' their place in the social system and how this system works at present in the epoch of neo-liberalism (which hopefully will close as soon as his unfortunate adventure on the politics, financial, economic, social and negative repercussions on the cultural needs of people), an era of globalization and individualization of social networks without help, the invention of the neo-capitalist worker "flexible" (without the possibility of being able to claim rights as would be) required by the labor market's "risk society", including in crisis and instead of hiring is causing above all a serious unemployment in the areas of "heavy industry" (Bauman, in March 28, 2009, p. 26) and precarious jobs. In Italy we see, in March 2009, for cutting jobs in schools of varying degrees, according to a mercantilist logic that reduces everything to money only and does not value education, science and culture (that neoliberals consider, unlawfully and collectively, 'left', whereas education, culture and science belong to all and are, if anything, against the inhumanity of barbarism, from anywhere can come, and to improve conditions of life of human beings). The neoliberal policy is pursuing political strategies of biopower (control on people's lives, racist policies against immigrants 'illegal') (see "Immigrants, Fini stop the government", in the Republic , January 10, 2009, p. 1), and political strategies for the benefit of elite interests the dominant power (use of the State for the private interests of the ruler), while the needs of citizens are denied even the most elementary biological survival is at stake.
Young people who have jobs that are insecure or cassintegrati ("Alarm cassintegrati: more than 553%, in the Republic , March 5, 2009, p. 1) can certainly not afford to pay for psychotherapy. The paradox is that a psychotherapeutic support precisely those who need it to have little or no money and living in precarious conditions, not only economically, but also with respect to all non-economic issues (including the feel good about themselves, the quality of their relationships, affection, communication, cultural needs) to enable a life worth living. Of course, the question remains, however, as noted by Antonio Imbasciati (Imbasciati, "The craftsman of psychotherapy," in Imbasciati Cristini, Dabra, Buizza, 2008, p. 258), Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Brescia and psychoanalyst, if the individual is truly motivated to undertake psychotherapy, to engage in a treatment period resulting in fatigue and pain, to choose an appropriate psychotherapist in his case, instead of showing irritation when you start the "process" of psychotherapy. The potential patient of today, in essence, would like a cure fast, that his problem is resolved in no time, wanting everything right away. Thus, he writes bitterly Imbasciati the same page: "The current culture seems to induce the opposite of what is involved in psychotherapy: time, emotional availability, commitment, personal involvement, patience, reflection, thought and effort. The mentality of medical causes simplifications, legislation leads to confusion. "
several observers from the 90 'of the last century to today (Carotenuto, 1995, the French film Tanguy, 2001; Catalucci, 2004), it is reported that young people are more 'immature' of the past as if they would not grow, identifying with a youth that continues over the years for subsequent phases of life cycle. It's the "Peter Pan syndrome"? Maybe, or is it just the way people live in conditions of "second modernity" (Beck) based on uncertainty, fear of not succeeding, which requires individuals to 'regress' in lifestyles that are of a juvenile. However, this apparent regression in young children, but sometimes the parents, the responsibility is not only sociological and epoch-making, nor attributed only to the children. There is certainly a generational responsibility. Parents, moreover, since the second half of the twentieth century to the present, are responsible for having encouraged an overly protective affective style in adulthood in relation to their offspring, thanks to the consumer society. In this sense, even before the youth protest against patriarchal authoritarianism of their parents, typical of the first half of the twentieth century, the social psychologist Alexander Mitscherlich published a paper that was epoch and society to be considered as a "fatherless society" , anticipating a trend in theoretical social they began in the West (Mitscherlich, 1963, tr. com. fourth ed., 1973).
To conclude these notes on the difficulties of young people living in the world of liquid modernity, which causes a tendency to be 'free to' force 'even when there are no conditions for individualization, we can observe that the load of responsibility that involves the path individualization would be meaningless if the social system to deal with the roads that have to cover individuals, especially youth, to find their place in society. It happens that young people find it difficult hell, as waste, closed doors, blackmail, corruption, prostitution call to get, eventually, a job from precarious . Hence the current psychological distress and the need to find support from a psychologist who knows how to listen carefully to the anxieties of life liquid.
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Relaunch of green energy, "February 27, p. 1.
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- 2009, "The dogma upside down" in the Republic , February 27, pp. 1 and 3.
Reference film
- Tanguy (Tanguy , France, 2001). Director: E. Chatiliez. Cast:
S. Azema, A. Dussolier, E. Berger, H. Duc, A. Clement, J.-P. Rouve,
A. Wilms.
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