Breasts Cut Off Erotic
I do not know if my life is smoothed over a hole vuoto.Non know if the silence that investigates and twisted my substance molle.Io do not know if what I try and I tried and I will try, if you know what I want is an insult to that vuoto.Non know if this did not have a pair of wings either reward or punishment, I do not know if the powder is one of my inquetude tronosu where I sit threatened, if regular shots at the fleeing prods me, if that childish dream of escape is tripped an angel, of a jester angel who wants me to stumble.
I do not know if love is a war or a truce, I do not know if the abandonment of love is a life leggeche finale.Non embroidery stitches to know what to do with this now that puzzled me pendant between her fingers. I do not know if this output in a century in my case, if it be here at random, and I want to fix everything in a childish dream of truce, Arcadia rhetoric, embraced in a sleeping warriors who fall in love. I do not have I understand and ...
Mariangela Gualtieri
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