Can You Fake Your Community Hours
Inside of me you've opened a door ... a lot later I realized that I had not really understood ... it was not like all the other times. What actually try it maybe in that moment I did not know exactly, I'll try to tell you now that you're farther away. You've contaminated. You have come too close to my vital organs to make me almost bleeding to death then when you moved away. And if and when you get back from me, I will not be nothing left ... because no going back. I think what we have let slip out of hand. I've been waiting for months ... I breathed in just moments when I see you and you ... you brought together, however, wanted to escape. When I handed over my heart did you close in his hands violently and relentlessly. I can still hear the sound of your footsteps to me, but what I see in this empty room is a lonely woman who has given up hope ....
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